Our Mission
As children of the Everlasting God, we are called to PRAY for everyone, to SERVE our community, and to ENCOURAGE the knowledge of Christ's unfailing love.
We Believe
One True God: We believe in one true God, who is the Triune God—three Persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Creator and Caretaker: God created everything with His wisdom and power, and He continues to lovingly care for His creation today. (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 6:25-33)
Salvation through Jesus: Jesus Christ, God the Son, died and was resurrected to save us from the consequences of our sins. Out of love, He took upon Himself the punishment we deserved on the cross, triumphing over Satan, sin, and death. (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:7-11)
The Holy Spirit's Role: The Holy Spirit actively works to guide people to faith in Jesus. (John 14:26, John 15:26)
Human Sinfulness: All humans have sinned and are in need of God's forgiveness and salvation. (Romans 3:10-12, 23)
Salvation by Faith: Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own good deeds. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Inspired Scriptures: God has provided us with the Scriptures, which are His divinely inspired Word. (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
God's Ongoing Work: God promises to continue working in the lives of His people through His Word and the Sacraments. (Matthew 28:18-20
Alaska Mission for Christ
The AMC is a unique ministry. Very few Circuits have their own mission arm. In Alaska, because congregations have trouble reaching all the opportunities and responsibilities to share Jesus, the LCMS Churches in Alaska formed the AMC. Technically, therefore, this is not an organization outside our congregation, but an extension of our congregation, perhaps a daughter. AMC is totally focused on doing mission work in various forms with the motto of Sharing Christ in the Last Frontier. The goal is often stated that AMC seeks to bring Jesus to every Alaskan community.
Funny River Community Lutheran Church traces its origin to support from the AMC. We continue to support this ministry with our prayers, involvement in outreach, Vacation Bible School ministry and special events.
For additional information, see the AMC website
St. John Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. As such, St. John participates in the world-wide mission and ministry of the LCMS. This ministry takes the congregation from Alaska to the Northwest District and beyond.
Members of the congregation are encouraged to look beyond the congregation and community in their prayers, service and financial support.
Service Opportunities
Acolytes – children in second grade and higher can serve the Lord at St. John by lighting candles and helping with worship. Chris Lawton helps remind of scheduling. (746-3210)
Altar Guild – Cathy Glaser (746-5067) heads up a group of women who keep our altar prepared for weekly worship.
AMC Vacation Bible School – St. John members have multiple opportunities to serve the people of Alaska by sharing Jesus through an Alaska Mission for Christ Vacation Bible School. Contact Ruth Zellar at 373-2810.
Children’s Message – Those who wish may share a children’s message in worship.
Church Boards – Elected boards plan the activities and ministries of St. John. A Church Council made up of these boards meets monthly to plan church ministry and activities, and deal with financial issues. Karl Kopperud is our Congregational President (745-6528). These boards include:
Adult Education Board – This group plans Adult Bible Classes and Small Groups.
Education Board – This board plans Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.
Elders – The Elders meet and work to promote spiritual health at St. John.
Evangelism – The Evangelism Board works to lead the church as it shares Jesus in the community and invites people to join us in worshiping Him.
Family and Children – This board plans activities to promote activities for the whole family, such as the Fall Festival and the Easter Festival.
Fellowship – This board plans activities and service to bring people closer together. It works on meals, picnics, outings, Christmas caroling and other opportunities to grow together.
Human Needs – This board provides love and care for members in time of need.
Stewardship – The Stewardship Board plans opportunities for members and friends of St. John to live their faith in commitment of time, talent, and treasure.
Trustees – The trustees take care of the property and facilities of St. John.
Worship – The Worship Board works to help plan, advise, and provide resources concerning worship at St. John
Youth – The Youth Board plans activities for Middle School and High School Youth at St. John.
Greeters – Greeters serve in worship welcoming those who attend. Diana Christensen (746-0300) currently organizes our greeters.
Joyful Noise – Joyful Noise is a group of St. John members and friends who lead music during late worship on Sundays. They practice on Fridays and on Sundays. We can use singers and instrumentalists to help lead worship.
Lay Minister – Men are trained to help with worship. This training in Sacraments, Preaching, Worship, and other areas also prepares these men to fill in when the pastor is out of town.
Nursery – Members volunteer to watch little children in the church nursery during late worship. Ellen Lentz Bang (376-4644) coordinates our nursery.
Prayer Chain – This internet group prays for those who request prayer. Contact Jacki Rose to submit a prayer request at jackirose@gci.net.
Quilting – Quilters meet at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday mornings to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
Readers – A group of members help with worship by reading the Scriptures during worship.
Sound Board / Video Screen – Volunteers use a sound board to enhance sound in late worship, and use a laptop computer to project images for worship on screens so that members can follow the liturgy, the songs, and the sermon.
Stephen Ministry – Stephen Ministers are trained, confidential care givers to children of God who have experienced challenges in life.
Teachers – We are often looking for people who can teach.